Hyatt History
1873 : The building originally constructed as the Weslyan Methodist Church.
August 2015
- The Egyptian Community Centre of Ontario purchases the former Hyatt United Church on Hamilton Road for $110,000. The building, now 148 years old, has a rich history dating back to 1873.
August 2015 onwards
- The new owners launch a website ( to raise funds for the renovation and conversion of the building into the Hyatt Mosque & Center.
Late 2015
- Rev. Richard Golden, chairperson of the United Church’s Middlesex Presbytery, expresses his happiness that the building will remain a place of worship, despite the decline in attendance and high maintenance costs leading to its sale.
Late 2015
- Br. Farid Metwally plan to establish a mosque and Sunday school in the new section of the center, preserving the old section (built in 1907) for lectures, seminars, and community meetings.
Late 2015
- An announcement is made regarding the restoration of the property, emphasizing no alterations to the exteriors and a commitment to helping the poor and needy in the East of Adelaide (EOA) community.
Late 2015
- Imam Abd Alfatah Twakkal of the London Muslim Mosque acknowledges the group’s initiative but states there is no need for additional prayer space in London, with existing major mosques and a third one planned.
Late 2015
- The United Church announces that $50,000 from the sale will be used to sponsor refugees from Islamic Syria and support other United Churches in the area.
April 2024
- New construction begins, transforming the Hall into the main Prayer Hall for the Hyatt Mosque & Center.
- The new owners suggest that further details will be shared after the completion of the restoration work.